Dealing with the Dominant Dog


Dominance in dogs is a major problem for a lot of pet owners. Dogs that exhibit dominant behaviors can seem stubborn, difficult and pushy, making them almost impossible to train.

Most pet owners believe that they have dominant dogs. But the truth is, very few dogs are truly dominant. Problems often arise when the owners fail to train their dogs or understand what dominance in dogs really mean.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when dealing with a dominant dog.

Act as the pack leader

In order to address the problem, trainers often advise pet owners to assume the alpha role. If your dog is dominant, then you need to be an even stronger pack leader. Be firm, but not mean, when giving commands. Also, repeat the command until the dog obeys.

Set rules and boundaries.

Rules and limitations are also important when dealing with dominance in dogs.

Dominant dogs have a tendency to eat even without being told. Correct this behavior and let them know that you are in charge. Let the dog sit while you prepare his food. Once the dog appears calm and submissive, set the bowl down and give the okay signal for your dog to eat. You should also set boundaries as to where they can go in the house.

Always be consistent with enforcing all the rules for it to be effective.

Be calm and assertive

When dealing with a dominant dog, it is important to be calmer and more assertive than usual. This is because dogs do not follow leaders who display unstable energy. This is especially true for alpha dogs.

A dog will sense if you are nervous and anxious, and a dominant dog will take this as an opportunity to take charge and lead the pack. But if you appear calm and assertive, the dog will then see you as the pack leader, and will no longer feel the need to take the lead position in the pack.


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