Is Your Dog a Hidden Hero? Find Out with the Elite Canine Good Citizen Test Right Here in Denver!

Is Your Dog a Hidden Hero? Find Out with the Elite Canine Good Citizen Test Right Here in Denver!

Are you tired of your dog being a couch potato? Do you dream of them becoming service superstars or therapy rockstars? Well, buckle up, Buttercup, because the Canine Good Citizen Test is here to put your pup’s skills to the test!

As a certified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, I’m like a doggy professor, and this test is the final exam. But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through it all.

What is the Canine Good Citizen Test?

The Canine Good Citizen Test is a prestigious evaluation that assesses your dog’s behavior and obedience skills. Passing this test is the first step in the world of dog sports and a necessary step for the Go Team tryouts, which are happening soon. Who knows, your dog could be on the news, helping people in need, before you know it! The test evaluates your dog’s ability to behave well in public, respond to basic commands, and demonstrate good manners.

Why Should You Take the Test?

By taking the Canine Good Citizen Test, you and your dog can:

    • Show off your skills and up your game

    • Take the first step towards becoming a service dog or therapy dog

    • Join the ranks of the canine elite

    • Get guidance and support from an experienced evaluator (that’s me!)

    • Enjoy a fun and rewarding experience with your dog

    • Strengthen your bond with your dog through teamwork and trust

    • Open doors to new opportunities for you and your dog

The 10-Part Test: Can Your Dog Pass with Flying Colors?

The Canine Good Citizen Test is divided into 10 parts, and your dog needs to pass all of them to become a certified Canine Good Citizen. Here’s what’s involved:
    1. Accepting a Friendly Stranger: Your dog needs to be friendly and calm when meeting new people. No growling or hiding under the couch allowed!

    2. Sitting Politely for Petting: Your dog needs to sit calmly while being petted by a stranger. No squirming or trying to lick the stranger’s face (as tempting as that may be)!

    3. Appearance and Grooming: Your dog needs to tolerate being touched and examined by a stranger. No flinching or trying to bite the stranger’s hands off!

    4. Out for a Walk: Your dog needs to walk nicely on a leash without pulling or trying to chase squirrels (as fun as that may be)!

    5. Walking Through a Crowd: Your dog needs to remain calm and composed while walking through a crowd of people. No barking or trying to play “dodge the human”!

    6. Sit and Down Stay: Your dog needs to sit and lie down on command and stay in those positions while you’re away. No sneaking off to sniff out treats!

    7. Coming When Called: Your dog needs to come to you when called, even if there are distractions like squirrels or other dogs. No ignoring you or pretending they didn’t hear!

    8. Reaction to Another Dog: Your dog needs to remain calm and composed when meeting another dog. No growling or trying to play “tackle the other dog”!

    9. Reaction to Distractions: Your dog needs to remain focused on you even when there are distractions like loud noises or other animals. No getting spooked or trying to run away!

    10. Supervised Separation: Your dog needs to remain calm and composed when you leave them with a stranger for a short period. No barking or trying to escape!

Want to learn more about the Canine Good Citizen Test and see it in action? Check out my video, where I explain the test in more detail and show you what to expect

Don't Worry, I've Got Your Back (and Your Dog's Too!)

I’ve seen it all over the last decade, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. With a healthy dose of humor for the humans and a whole lot of love and treats for the dogs, we’ll work together to help your pup become a certified Canine Good Citizen. My experience and expertise will help you navigate the test with confidence and ease.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

Contact me today to schedule your test and let’s make your dog famous! Whether you’re from Denver or beyond, I’m here to help you and your pup achieve greatness.

Let's Get Started!

Don’t miss out on this paw-some opportunity to discover your dog’s hidden hero. Take the first step today and let’s see if your pup has what it takes to become a certified Canine Good Citizen!

Ready, Set, Go!

Contact me now to schedule your test and let’s get started on this exciting journey together!

[email protected]


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Imagine a world where: Your dog listens to you. The first time every time. Even around distractions.

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