Summer Dangers for Your Pets


Summer is a time for pool parties, cookouts and vacations. It can also be a fun time for people and their pets. During the warmer months, there is nothing more enjoyable than taking your dog for a nice long walk or a trip to the park. However, summer also brings a unique risk to your dog’s health so it is important to be vigilant.

With all the fun in the sun, it can be easy to forget the hazards that our pets face in the summer. These summer dangers include:

Heat stroke

Sometimes, we tend to forget that dogs are not as good as humans at dealing with hot weather. Dogs that are covered with thick coats are especially prone to heat stroke.

Too much fun in the sun can overheat our pets, especially when they’re playing outdoors or when they are left in the car for too long. To prevent this from happening, you should always carry a bottle of water with you when going out on a long walk, car rides or vacations. If they are a long haired breed, get them a trim this summer.


Ticks are one of the biggest summer dangers. This is especially true if your pet loves being outside. With all of the time you’ll be spending outdoors, you’ll need to prepare to manage pest infestation.

Talk to your veterinarian about appropriate protection such as dips, shampoos, sprays, collars and other products. Also, it is important to check your pets for ticks on a regular basis so you can take immediate action if in case you find one.


Most, if not all, dogs can’t resist the lure of water, especially on a hot afternoon. However, not all of them are able to do the doggy paddle.

Dogs can drown in water. That said, it is best to introduce your dog first in a shallow pool. Also, keep in mind that bacteria, salt and chlorine can be harmful to your pets. It is important to rinse them thoroughly after taking a dip on the pool or swimming on the beach.

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