With thousands of dogs being abandoned every year, it would be best to take a moment and think before you decide to get a dog. We know how rewarding owning a dog can be, but you also have to understand that it requires a great deal of commitment.
If you have never owned a dog before but are planning to get one, don’t worry. We’re here to help you out. Check out the tips below and start off on the right paw.
Get a puppy
It may be better to get a puppy rather than a full-grown dog. This is because puppies can be taught good manners and can be trained in a certain way. Full-grown dogs, on the other hand, may be more difficult to train, making things even more difficult for a first-time dog owner.
Puppy-proof your home
Raising a puppy can be somewhat synonymous to raising a child – they get into everything.
For a puppy, everything is brand new and fascinating, and they’re eager to explore and investigate on things. Of course, most of their investigating shall be done with their mouths. They would nip on your brand new shoes, expensive Oriental rug or even the electric cords.
To protect your both your possessions and your puppy, it would be a good idea to get rid of temptations and hazards ahead of time.
Start training
House training requires a great deal of patience. There may be times when you wonder if getting a dog was such a good idea, especially if you aren’t used to seeing your house being used as one big bathroom.
House training should start as soon as your bring home the dog. But if it’s a puppy, it would be best to hold off training until he’s 12 to 16 weeks old.
Be realistic
Do not expect your dog to absorb everything you taught him overnight. After all, even babies aren’t potty trained until they’re 2. So, be patient because it’s going to take a while.